Was this Vet wrong for doing this?

My aunt is very upset and says she will never go back to this vet again. My aunt has a cat that is like her child. This cat is very aggressive to anyone who is not my aunt. He will attack if you try to pet him. He won’t come up and attack you if your in the house and you can even go in his room (yes he has his own room) and he won’t attack but he will attack if you touch his bed or toys in his room. She has been bringing this cat to the same vet for years the vet is well aware of how aggressive the cat is and the cat is more on edge after being in a car and going to a scary place he doesn’t know “the vets office”. So this vet always gives the cat a tranquilizer for his visits. For whatever reason the vet didn’t do that this time even though my aunts told him he will need to. The cat attacked the vet and the vet made animal control come get him and put him in the pound for a week before the aunt can get him out. My aunt is so upset that the vet did this, when he has been aware for years how this cat is and always gave him a tranquilizer in the past. Was this wrong of the vet to do?

Edit- I want to add that this is how the cat has always been. It’s just my aunt and the one cat in her house this cat is very protective of my aunt and not around other people often so I think it’s just fearful or untrusting of other people besides my aunt. She spoils the cat he is not aggressive from abuse or neglect or anything like that.