What’re some symtoms you experienced before finding out you were pregnant?


We’ve been actively trying for at least 5-6 months, my period was suppose to start a day ago. I don’t know what it is but I’ve been having constant headaches in my right temple that shoots into my eye for about a week now. It’s the worst, the only relief I get is if I’m sleeping. I wake up with it every morning. I started having sore breasts, getting up to go to the bathroom they hurt whenever I’m not wearing a bra. Something new that has happened, I woke up to my boyfriend eating leftover wings (which I LOVE wings) but the only reason why I woke up is because of the smell of them. The smell made my stomach so upset, they smelt awful.

I’m waiting off on testing. Praying for some baby dust ✨ I’m super excited but don’t wanna get my hopes up yet.

UPDATE : I caved in tonight. Bought a test. I am pregnant!!