Holding onto hope...


I have come to terms that at my private ultrasound scan it was a boy. For a lot of reasons, it took me about a week to come to terms. (If you’re ever bored read my past posts lol)

But... I was 13w5d and I’ve been reading a lot about how inaccurate it is. So... I know I shouldn’t but a medium part of me is hopeful.

At this point, I’m super grateful he’s healthy, the genetic testing came back negative, no NTD or trisomy 18 yay! Plus I’ve already bought way too many boy clothes that due to COVID-19 I won’t be able to return. While I know it’s a terrible idea to do this to myself I’m going to anyway.

Also, super excited because my husband will be able to come to my 20 week ultrasound appointment!! A little picture of him sucking his thumb