Fading symptoms and pink discharge at 7 weeks


I wanted to post coz I was googling and searching here so much earlier this week and no one was following up on what happened 😂

I had very sore boobs a couple weeks ago, it's what lead me to take a test.

I also started feeling nauseous last week.

Then on Sunday I had a little bit of spotting, and my symptoms started fading.

The spotting was a tiny amount, but it was red which is the scary colour! I then had a couple isntances of light pink CM.

My last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage so I was CONVINCED it was happening again. Why can I suddenly stomach the smell of red bull when last week it made me wanna hurl? Why are my boobs not screaming in agony when I wake up anymore?

I called EPU and they said they weren't doing scans except on extenuating circumstances because of COVID.

I was getting really really low, so I booked a private scan in the end - cost £70. And little bean is FINE! The right size, the right place, cervix is closed, perfect little heartbeat and everything!

So this is my note to you to say: STOP GOOGLING EVERYTHING! Symptoms definitely can come and go, and a tiny bit of spotting may not be anything at all. If you're really worried, call your midwife or EPU. But don't torture yourself assessing every little thing. You're doing great and you got this 💖💖💖💖💖