I’m scared test results came in.

Yimi-michelle • Young mum 23 with a hilarious 2 year old and one on the way ❤️👶🏽👶🏽💕❤️❤️❤️

So I had a combined test for all the syndromes such as downs, Patau and Edwards and I’m low risk for Edwards and downs however my test results came back as a higher chance for Patau syndrome in my infant which means my baby could die if it has it. I have a 1 in 120 chance which makes me a higher risk where as if I had a 1 in 150 chance it would be lower I’m so scared I have an NIPT test tomorrow that’ll tell me if my baby definitely has the condition and I’m so scared. I just want a healthy baby. Please can you all pray for the baby and me. I’m so scared and I’m hoping things are okay 🙁x