Really bad back pain and I don’t know what to do anymore


I get really bad back pain, I’m talking so bad I get nauseous and sometimes actually vomit. I go home every day after work and lay in bed the rest of the day feeling paralyzed from pain.

I use lidocaine patches every day but they only take my pain from an 8/10 to a 7/10. I take 800mg of ibuprofen but not all the time because I don’t want stomach problems, even if I do take it it doesn’t help. I do stretches a physical therapist showed me (every day). I do light yoga. I go to a chiropractor once a week. It’s gotten so bad my doctor referred me to see a plastic surgeon because it may be due to my large boobs. I’ve had some amount of back pain from the weight of them since they developed but not like this. The pain started getting severe 4 weeks ago. I have no idea what’s wrong and my doctor doesn’t seem to care, I had to ask for the patches and for the chiropractor.

I can’t take it anymore. I’m not one to take narcotics because I don’t like how they make me feel but at this point it’s so bad I feel like oxy would be the only think to help me. Of course I’d like to avoid that but idk what else to do!? I’m tired of crying every day from the pain. I’m only 21 years old.

The pain in my upper back/shoulders is probably from the weight of my boobs, but the middle pack pain is in such a specific spot that I think it’s spine related.

But still, 8/10 back pain every day is not normal. What do I do next since my doctor doesn’t seem to care? What can I ask for next?

I’m in the military so I can’t try anything with CBD oil otherwise I would. The pain is effect not only my work but every day life.