Implant help!

So I use the birth control implant (implanon) and it has given me irregular periods since the day I got it. In the first few months I would get periods for weeks on end and then not at all...I’m used to that. For a while they were fairly normal (once a month), however in the past month I’ve had my period almost every week (if not more). I had 4 periods in April alone and now (because I’ve been tracking them on this app) it says I’m 6 days late even though my last period was only 2.5 weeks ago and lasted 8 days. I know it’s probably still the implant effecting me and nothing to worry about, but it’s scary seeing “you’re period is 6 days late” when I open up the app. Should I be worried? My husband and I use condoms almost always even though you’re not supposed to “need” them on the implant because we want to be as protected as possible. Opinions? Has anyone else found the tracker part of this app a little unreliable?

(I’ve attached a picture of my calendar showing my last period too if it helps - just need some reassurance)