just a dumb rant

i want to die. i don’t see the point. everyone would eventually get over my loss, those who even cared. i feel worthless in so many ways. i don’t see my life going anywhere and what’s the point in keeping going if i’m going to end up broke and alone. i mean i do have a bf, but things aren’t great. we don’t connect on text like we used to. i feel like i’ve lost him, even though we’re still together; i mean don’t get me wrong, when we’re together it’s fun. but i just don’t know. and with school going back next week, and the fact that i’m so behind in a lot of work because i’ve been burnt out for three months is scaring me. i wish there was someone who i could talk to about all this but i can’t stand the thought of being someone else in to my problems. so instead i’m stuck here on my bed balling my eyes out over things out of my control.