
why did my 20 year old bf of 5 months ghost me... everything was perfect we never had signs of cheating, the occasional argument, but we loved each other and did everything together we were best friends... then 2 weeks ago he slowly stopped talking to me which led me to blow his phone up more cause i was angry because i’d see him be active on snapchat.... i’ve texted him multiple times asking what we are since there was no formal break up.... i’m so hurt i can’t stop crying day after day it was my best friend, what makes guys do this. he was the sweetest person he never ever ignored me which makes this hard. i feel stupid just re reading our messages and the last messages are me blowing him up asking what happened but there’s no response so i blocked him on snap cause he’s constantly out with friends😞 we had plans for the summer and future and just like that in a blink of a eye they disappeared i’m physically sick to my stomach constantly thinking about it 😞😞 i owe him a apology for accusing him of cheating but he owes me just as much one back for ghosting me for weeks and i stand by that. And i want to text him so bad and say that but then part of me realizes there’s no point since he won’t answer...

just wish i could send one last message to f with his brain and make him feel bad and miss what we had but i don’t know what would and i’ve tried so much already 😕