Hormones all over the place

jenna • Jenna. M

Idk where else to turn cause I cant talk about this stuff to my friends cause the only two people I trust one is busy and the other gets grossed out by this stuff plus she doesnt understand...I started evra patch a month ago now and I was on it for 6 years prior to restarting again and this time is different I get waves of emotions then comes the extreme amounts of wanting to jump my man's bones all day while hes at work it's all I can think about I feel like a young teenager when I get like this last time it completely killed my sex drive this time someone mentions the word and it becomes all I want all day everyday then he comes home and he either kills my mood by being tired and cranky or just teasing me and making me tired and cranky and it's just the weirdest feeling in the world how do I make him know that's what I want before he gets home I'm not very experienced compared to him like hes older (I'm 20 hes 26) so what do I do am I missing something idk