Baby only eating a few minutes

Kaitlyn • Married, 26, 👶🫄

My baby is almost 6 months old and is mostly breastfed with solids once a day at dinner time. The past few days she has been really fussy and tired so I've been adding in an extra nap for a couple days to help her out. At night she eats like a champ. She nurses for 7-8 minutes, eats 1-2 oz baby food and then will nurse again for 4-5 minutes before going to sleep. I should also add in that she has recently gotten more efficient at draining my breasts and a normal feeding is 7-10 minutes and has been for a couple months. At night she will usually eat for 12-18 minutes and she tends to get 5-8 hour stretches of sleep most nights. The past couple days she's been eating like she's starving, but then constatly pulling off the breast. It'll take 30 minutes to get her to eat for 5. She is somewhat distracted, but even when I feed her in a dark quiet room, she will pull off and cry and then latch back on and then pull off and cry. It seems like she's really hungry but I can't tell if she's getting a full feeding. She also wants to eat every hour or so. It's almost like she's cluster feeding again, but she cries and fusses. I'm not really sure what is going on with her. My breasts feel partly emptied, but it doesn't seem like she's emptying them out at feedings. I offer the breast all day long because I'm afraid she'll be hungry or not eating enough. Any suggestions or ideas about why she could be doing this?

I do have forceful let down but she enjoys it now that she's bigger and can handle the faster flow of milk. She hasn't fussed about OALD since she was 2 months.