FINALLY get to share my birth story.💙


To start off, I am a first time mom. So I had NO idea how labor and delivery was going to go...

By 38 weeks baby was already measuring on the bigger side😮, so my Dr. already had it in mind to do a scheduled csection. We planned a scheduled csection a week after my due date. This way my Dr. wanted to see if I would go into labor naturally..

It all started on Saturday, May 2nd when I was already 41 weeks pregnant!.🤰(2 days before my scheduled csection). I woke up that day feeling period like cramps. I thought ,"today is the day".😳 (but I also had the same mentality since 40 weeks). I ended up just trying to nap the whole day because for some reason I was so tired.😴

All of a sudden around 4pm that day, the cramps came on strong. It felt like someone was stabbing me from the inside.🔪 (worst pain I ever felt.) I started to time them and they were about 8 mins apart, but where I lived about 30 mins from the hospital, my spouse drove me right then and there.

When I arrived at the hospital, my spouse had to wait until I was admitted due to the pandemic.😥 so, I went in alone to be seen while he waited in the truck for my text.

When the nurse came into check me and hook me up to the stress test to see how far apart my contractions were, she had said that I was only about 1cm dilated and my water did not break. This being said, they ended up discharging me.🤷‍♀️

My spouse was a little upset on how they allowed us to leave because as soon as we pulled back into our driveway back home, my contractions came on stronger and now they were about 2mins apart.⚡⚡⌚ I called my obgyn and she told me to head back to the hospital to be admitted. I was in SO much pain!!

When I arrived back at the hospital, I was 4cm dilated so I was able to get the epidural. I progressed quickly. By 2am on Sunday, my water broke on it's own and I dilated up until 8cm. When it was time to push, he would not fit in my birth canal.🤯 from there, the Dr started pitocin to give the baby "an extra push". This led to my babys o2 and heart rate drastically decreasing so, they immediately stopped the pitocin.

Where I originally had a csection scheduled for Monday, I begged the doctors to not make me push or try anymore. I wanted him out of me and I was exhausted!.😪

It was now 10:30am and I was rolled down to the OR. By 11:06am on Sunday, May 3rd, I heard my baby crying. He was a healthy baby boy weighing 8 lbs 15.2 oz and 22in long.

And now he is 3 weeks old. Weighing 10 lbs.

I am SO in love.🥰