Should i quit breastfeeding ?


My daughter is 5 months. And I’ve been breastfeeding since she’s been born. (I’m very thankful!!)

Between maternity leave and quarantine I’ve saved 600+ ounces of milk.

With that being said.

My daughter has been awful lately. (At least the past month.) When trying to breastfeed, she‘ll eat for maybe 5 minutes and then start looking around, suck on her hands, start “talking” etc. just not interested at all in continuing to eat and so i spend almost an hour trying to get her to sit and actually eat. And since I’m working from home, i honestly don’t have an hour multiple times a day to try and get her to eat! So whatever i pumped that morning / previous night I’ll just give to her in a bottle and be done with it.

I’ve tried covering her with a blanket so she can’t look around the room or notice me and start talking/smiling at me. I’ve tried nursing in a dark room with no noise or lights. Nothing works.

And since she doesn’t eat well, she is alwayssssssss fussy and crying and irritable because her belly is never full!

I’m thinking of just quitting breastfeeding and maybe pump for a while and then stop all together by the end of summer. I feel like i can’t even enjoy my baby because I’m always fighting her to eat and then always dealing with a hungry baby :( ugh. Idk :(