My 1st baby birth story


At 3 am on May 15th (40 weeks and 4 days) I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep when I felt a flush of fluids that was way more then just a little leak. I called my doctor to confirm my water break and told her I had started having really bad back pain. My husband was just coming upstairs to bed when he saw me pacing the bedroom. He asked if it was time and I said yes lol funny story he totally called my water breaking late at night when he was about to come to bed lol we grabbed our bags and headed to the hospital. They admitted me into the hospital but My cervix wasn’t open yet and I wasnt dilated. They stuck me in high risk to get some medicine in me to start thinning out my cervix. The medicine takes 6 hrs at a time and I had to wait until the 6 hrs was up to see if it was helping me at all. By this time contractions had become strong but nothing I couldnt Handle for a little longer. I always planned to get an epidural but wanted to try and wait as long as possible. After the 6 hrs I was only 2 cm but they were ready to move me into labor and delivery and get me on Pitocin to hopefully speed up the process. About an hr later I was asking for the epidural because the pain had gotten pretty hard. (May 15th about 1 pm) After that I was comfortable and able to nap for the first time. It was a slow process the rest of the day and took me til about midnight or so to get to 5 cm. Once I hit that point the pain became so strong they needed to up my epidural and continue with the Pitocin. After that the time started flying and I was 7 cm by about 3am. The nurse came in about 2hrs later to check and I was at 10cm but they wanted me to wait as long as I could to push so that my body could do as much of the work as possible. I made it til 5:45 and they nurse told me it was time to push! Don’t know how I did it because at the time I didnt think I had the energy to push but my husband encouraged me and was watching the whole process to help me along. 20 mins later at 6:08 am May 16th we welcomed Ryleigh Elizabeth to the world! She is the most perfect beautiful little girl ever and healthy! This was the toughest but most rewarding thing I’ve ever done! The love I have for this little girl is insane and Mine and my husbands hearts are so full! ❤️