I never see any posts like mine lol am I alone?


Shes 5 and a half months

Never has she slept well we have had 3 occasions of 6 hours apart form that its a max of 3 hours at a push

Were going through another stage of up every 1hour 40mins compared to the last bad phase which was every 60mins.

We're on day 5 and I just question everything... is breastfeedjng working for us, if I go to fomula and shes still the same will I regret it, shes also nightmare to feed in the day, cries all the time, yes she has wet nappies but is she having enough milk, nightmare to nap

Now I know to make this is normal my first wasnt lkke this and I know no 2 babies are the same.. my friends and families babies are angels I have the devil lol

Sorry just a tired and drained mummy needing to vent