

Yesterday we had to put my dog down of 16yrs. It was one of the worst days... he was my first “baby”. Neither my 4yr old or the baby napped yesterday so I didn’t have the time to grieve in peace. We went for a walk and got caught in a storm and got soaked...needless to say the baby was not happy about that 😬. Neither kid went to bed easy last night....It’s currently 345am and I’ve nursed twice in the last hour for a desperate attempt to get the baby back to bed.... but she’s wide awake kicking and carrying on like its play time. I already hate leap 5. Sigh. Rant over. Pic of my cute Peyton, I miss him. 😭 We’ve lost both our dogs in the last 7months. House seems so empty now.

Our other dog we lost last year 😢