My Dog

July 29,2020 💙🙏🏼🌈

I have a little old chihuahua and I’d say he’s pretty emotionally unstable like he hasn’t been abused or anything he’s just an attention whore and if he’s not getting it he cries. He does really cry like a regular dog where they whine and stuff I mean sometimes but most of the time he cries actual tears he’s a really quite dog. He loves my boyfriend the most cause he’s pretty much scared of everyone and everything else like I’ve seen him jump cause he walked past a rock or a plastic bag. He cries all the time if my boyfriend is asleep or not here. Usually people think maybe he’s lonely and needs a friend but no he’s rather be the only child per say like he’s lived with other dogs he gets along with them but is just more anti social we also got a kitten and he just instantly acted up like peeing every where he knows not to he’s even peed on the kitten multiple times I like to call him (Rkelly sometimes) but now he plays with her I just wanted to talk about my dog cause I’ve never had a dog like him before