Delivery options


Hey twin mamas! (Or others who have experienced both types of delivery/recovery) Just looking for some feedback...

FTM; Currently 35w, as of last ultrasound baby A was head down and B was breech. I’m pretty sure they are still in those positions based on where the heart beats register on my NSTs.

I have the option to try to deliver vaginally (much preferred!!) but if they can’t turn B then he’d have to be delivered by C section. So I’ve also been offered the option of just planning for a C section off the bat.

I already had one abdominal surgery this pregnancy and would rather avoid another one...I had also just hoped to deliver naturally if possible.

But I’m concerned that if I end up having to do both that the recovery will just be so much harder, especially with two to care for.

Is it worth attempting vaginal with the chance of getting a “combo package” in the hopes of avoiding a c section altogether?

Has anyone had baby B successfully turned during L/D and been able to deliver both vaginally? (Or does anyone know the rate of success for this?)