Worried about delivery


I’m 34+2 weeks and just got back from my doctors visit. I’m getting very nervous with lots of anxiety. Just thinking about all the stuff that can go wrong makes me cry all the time these days. I have state insurance so I have a different doctor at every visit but today I decided I was going to bring some of my concerns up to the doctor I had today. So the first thing I asked her was when I would be able to do my birth plan. Her exact words where they don’t do birth plans because they do what best for baby and mom. Also I am very against the use of tongs and she basically if they need to used they will be because a brain bleed could happen with using nothing at all. Basically she made me feel like I knew nothing because they do this all the time. And she’s right I don’t know anything, I didn’t even get to do my birthing classes, so I couldn’t voice my concerns. I didn’t say anything about my concerns about going past 40 weeks because there is a higher stillbirth rate after 40 weeks. So I’m just wondering what you lady’s think? Do you guys think I’m over thinking stuff and should trust these people with my life and baby’s life in there hands or should I voice my concerns to another doctor?