Quick birth story

Susan • Peyton Louise Jones was born 16th June 2016...Kalen Jones 22nd may 2020

Took to the maternity ward and my contractions started, nothing major, easy to breathe through them from about 12pm, they checked me and i was 4cms dilated

At 12.45 they broke my waters and omg it went everywhere and the contractions went from a 1 to a solid 10, I couldnt breathe as it was so excruciating, so at 13.00 I said, enough I need an epidural the contractions were coming every minute or 2, I was crippled. They called the epidural woman down and started prepping me

Epidural person gets there at 13.10pm walks in the room and back out, I dont know why and the midwife said ok im going to check how far along you are...

yep she didnt have chance for that as my body suddenly started pushing my baby out, she looked and said his heads almost out, my body pushed his head out, I literally didn't do a thing, then she said give me two small pushes for the shoulders, I tried to say I have no control over the pushing at all as my body just forced the baby out.

He was born in less than 1 minute, 2 contractions and he was out. I will add.... agonising, brutally painful, but so worth it.

The woman walks back in to do the epidural and said, well it's rare I am deemed not needed, its lovely to see a baby in my place 🤣

Weighing 9lb 14ozs and 58cms in length!

My beautiful son Kalen

6 days old

He is now 8 days old and I am still just in utter shock at how it happened, it was all done and dusted in half an hour, he was worth every single second. He is a dream baby, so content, makes a few noises when he wants feeding, sleeps well, I just dont know how I got so lucky again, as my daughter who is 4 in june is the ultimate dream child, my friends all say how did you get so lucky shes the best and she truly is, fingers crossed my son is similar 🤞