He’s finally here!


Ladies it’s been a long pregnancy to say the least. I was due yesterday 5/29 when I went for my 40 week appointment my midwife was willing to induce me. I had an induction appointment scheduled for 7:30 that evening. I get to the hospital on time and get settled. At 9:30pm the midwife gave me cervidil which needed to stay inserted for 12 hours. When I went to the hospital I was barely dilated and barely thinned. The cervidil was only supposed to thin my cervix then after the 12 hours I was to start pitocin. Ladies when I tell you my experience from 3am-10am was horrifying I absolutely mean that. All those hours I had intense contractions timed 3 minutes apart but I was only 1cm dilated. So 9:30 am rolls around and my cervidil is removed and I’m begging for an epidural because I’m exhausted. I finally get my epidural at 10:30 the midwife and nurses decided to wait until I was fully comfortable before starting pitocin because I was crying from being in so much pain. Pitocin was finally started at 12pm my son did not like that at all so we stopped 10 minutes in. I was checked at 12:30 and I had quickly jumped to 7cm. Next thing I knew I’m feeling pain again so I’m checked again and it’s go time. My son was born at 12:39pm on 5/30/2020 weighing 6lbs 6oz after only 1 and a half pushes.

My body refuses to progress because of the amount of pain I was experiencing. Once I was settled down and comfortable I delivered within minutes. I’m so glad it’s finally over and my son is finally here. I FaceTimed my daughter who will be 6 in 2 weeks and she almost cried tears of joy when she saw him.