To the beautiful, black women.

Amanda • 🇬🇷🇮🇹

I love you. I stand with you.

I have so many thoughts running through my mind & I hope I am voicing them correctly.

I educate myself so I can use my voice to not only fight alongside you, but to educate those who don’t understand. I know what image the world tries to portray. I want you to know that in my eyes, black lives have always mattered and always will. I want you to know that your children lives matter. Your husbands, fathers, brothers, uncles, nephews, grandfathers, cousins, friends, their lives matter. Your wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, grandmothers, cousins and friends, their lives matter. Your voices matter. Your futures matter. Your feelings matter. Your peace matters. Your happiness matters. I want you to know how insane it is that we even have to stand out here to fight for what you deserve, but I am here to stand hand in hand with you. Your feelings are valid. The anger, the sadness, the exhaustion & frustration- it’s valid. And I’m so sorry that there are people who try to make you feel that your feelings mean nothing, or that you aren’t allowed to feel this way.

I want the white people reading this to call out your racist friends, family, coworkers, etc. Please pay attention to who is silent. Please pay attention to those who can stare injustice in the face and tolerate it. Please educate yourselves. Please don’t just repost things on social media and put no action behind it. Please!

And to those who believe all lives matter: remember that all lives can NOT matter until black lives matter.

Oh and don’t forget, any racists read this far, please go fuck yourself TWICE...then do it again