is this abusive behavior, or is my mom just bad at managing her emotions and stuff?

ok so disclaimer- i love my mom. she’s really great sometimes. but other times she’s kind of awful.

like when i was little i have this memory of her screaming at me and my brother and throwing some of my brothers toys around his room. i genuinely can’t remember why.

and since i was a kid, when she’s really angry or frustrated she says things like she wants god to take her (die) or something or to put her in the hospital, etc.

and whenever my brother (17) and i (newly 19) forget to do something that we don’t have to do regularly (so not something like washing dishes) or we’re sitting on the couch and she’s in a cleaning frenzy but hasn’t told us what to do even though we’ve asked her what she wants us to do, she’ll say stuff like “no one helps me around here” and “neither of you just love me”

and always starts screaming at me when i try to discuss something political with her bc even if what i’m saying is a factual statement, it can’t be right bc my stepdad (who is way way worse in general) says something else.

there’s probably other stuff too that i can’t remember rn