A little jealous

July 29,2020 💙🙏🏼🌈

It’s not something that bothers me so much and I’m happy to have a healthy baby regardless it would just be nice. So when my sister was pregnant they put her on top she got all the attention all the love and mind you she still lives in a small apartment with her mom and 3 other siblings and she also trapped her baby father cause she was so desperate for a child (which didn’t really work out as planned cause he’s a piece of shyt) everyone would give her so much recognition (including me) and it’s not only with her pregnancy but with her graduating and any other accomplishment she has, this also goes for my other siblings they just get so much recognition but then when it comes to me it’s like “oh that’s nice...congrats” I’m literally the only person in my family who has a stable relationship, soon to get my own apartment (my father still lives with his mother with his side pieces he’s lived in that bedroom his whole entire life) and everything I’ve done I worked so hard for by myself I never get any sort of recognition sure I get a “congratulations” but it’s not like anyone really cares when it comes to me I don’t do what I do in hope for people to notice I do it for myself but I’ve done better then anyone else in my family and all I get is dry messages like cool everyone can care less I don’t know if it’s jealousy probably is, it doesn’t bother me that much it’s just something that will linger in the back of my head every time I accomplish something and the reaction I get from it I usually shake it off and forget about it I’ve been through the worse and recovered all by myself and has never had anyone’s support everything I’ve lived through I delt with by myself and got through by myself no matter how young I was and I’ve never in my life had help so I’m use to nobody caring for me it just sucks that it has to be like that. I always say I’m the forgotten family member since everybody has left me for dead multiple times ever since I was born and that’s just the horrible truth.