Scariest experience of my life.


So on May 22 I started having contractions at about 5 pm they weren’t close together and they weren’t to uncomfortable so I just went on about my day like normal tending to my other 2 boys. At about 10 pm they started to get more uncomfortable so I took a warm shower and tried to relax and go to bed I thought for sure it would blow over because I was only 38 weeks and 3 days. I got out the shower get in bed lay down and realize I haven’t really felt baby move to much in the last couple hours so I start messing with my belly to get him to move he moves 10 times so I didn’t think much of it and went to bed. Well at about 1 am I wake up to full on uncomfortable can barley walk contractions and they are about 2-3 mins apart . So I wake up my boyfriend and tell him I think it’s time to go to the hospital, but before we go I want to take a quick shower again I get out of the shower and get the rest of our stuff together and relax a little more. So I’m breathing and rolling my hips on my yoga ball while he takes everything to the car and gets our other little ones settled with their Aunt. We head to the hospital it’s 2:30 am at this point and the hospital is a 30 min drive seems like the contractions are 1 min apart and I keep telling him I don’t feel the baby moving at all during all of this so I start to get pretty worried and just really feeling like something is wrong and he’s trying to keep me calm telling me everything is going to be okay not to worry he’s probably just getting ready to be pushed out (boy was he wrong) so we get to the hospital it’s like 3:10 by the time we get parked and walk in and they take me to triage and ask me a bunch of question like if I feel safe and then the has your baby been moving question comes up and I told her not nearly as much as he should be and not at all in the last 45 mins. They hook me up to a monitor baby’s heart beat is a little lower than they want it but it’s there about 20 mins later the nurses come in and ask me to roll from my back to my side so I do and about every 10 mins the keep making me roll because they lose his heart beat it’s about 4:05 am and the baby’s heart beat dropped and wouldn’t rise so I notice the panic on everyone’s face including my own the nurses walk out and the doctor walks in and tells me they are going to take me back for an emergency c-section. I instantly start bawling my eyes out and so does my boyfriend he was being so strong telling me everything was going to be okay the whole time and he just couldn’t hold it in anymore so they rush me back so since I already had an IV and they said they needed to get my baby out immediately they give me local anesthesia and sedate me. My boyfriend didn’t even finish scrubbing his hands and arms and getting dressed down before they started so he didn’t get to be in the room during the c-section and birth he was devastated but at 4:26 am on May 23,2020 we welcomed our beautiful 6lbs 2oz baby boy into the world. I woke up at about 5:15 am to a nurse rubbing his face against mine telling me to open my eyes and look at my beautiful baby. It

definitely wasn’t how I imagined things to go but he’s perfect and I’m okay and that’s all that matters at the end of the day. I’m so thankful for the staff at the hospital for working so fast on getting him out. My WHOLE stay at the hospital EVERY nurse said they are so glad I came in when I did because it could have gone a different way if I didn’t. I cry everyday because I get so emotional thinking about how blessed I truly am ❤️