Trauma -?


I’ve been through a lot of trauma and it wasn’t it’ll quarantine that I began to process it all and find out trauma that happened when I was little and recently ( still only have bits and pieces) and even though it wasn’t my fault whether it be both as a grown woman and as a little girl, I still feel like cloud of guilt and shame hang over me like a dark cloud. It’s like haunting me in the back of my mind. Growing up I had really sh*tty parents who blamed me and acted like these terrible things were my fault. Everytime they looked at me and still look at me they’re reminded of what happened when I was little. I know it’s not my fault but I feel guilty. I feel like their treatment of me defines me. Like them treating me worse that dog poop hehe poop makes me unworthy or unlovable or as sh&try of a person as they are-as the make me out to be. I mean I was roofied and raped last September (verifiable) why do I feel guilt and shame and feel dirty for that! Why do I think of my mother treating me badly everytime I think of how strong as how brave I am? And how do I most past that and heal? I really want to HEAL and move on with my life but the shame and guilt and negativity is corrosive and persistent- haha it’s like “attached” to me and won’t let go! Jokes aside I’m really struggling here. The shame and guilt and all the negative I feel is not only TORTUROUS, but is preventing me from HEALING and moving on with my life. I feel like a bad person. I know I’m a very good person but I feel stuck. HELP!

ANY advice/comments/thoughts would be greatly APPRECIATED :)

Thanks glow community! #blessup🤣

But seriously this post is serious. Joking about it makes me feel better
