Rekindling a broken marriage with a baby

Hey all ... I need somewhere safe to get this off of my chest...

Me and my husband/son’s father been married for 8 yrs and most of our marriage we have been separated. I have been living a lesbian lifestyle for the past 5 yrs and he’s had relationships as well...

Our son is 9 years old and I decided I’m not getting any younger soooo why not have another baby that’s when I decided to talk to my husband about it and at first he objected but then eventually after expressing how much I wanted another baby and the importance of me knowing the other parent’s medical history he agreed with stipulations of course nothing too crazy...

As I mentioned he had relationships and so did I... I thought I reversed all of my situationships and I was under the impression that he did the same thing. Next thing you know I’m getting a phone call from the girl he’s been in a relationship for the past 10 months telling me she’s pregnant with his baby.. after me and my husband came to the conclusion we minds well stop kidding ourselves and work on our marriage...

This happened last month May and I can’t help but feel some type of hurt everytime I see my period come down... He’s has been very patient with me when I mention it. However I know he’s tired of hearing about it over and over again.. when We asked the girl if she’s keeping it she said no. I’m lost for words rn because I don’t know how to handle this especially if she do decide to keep the baby...

I know many of you would say one thing and that’s accept it or let him go... I love my husband and I’m not giving up on my marriage but how do I accept this.. has anyone ever dealt with this type of situation or similar.