Second time someone breaks in my house (please read long story)


The first time this happened was back in 2015. Here are couple details to keep in mind I live with my mom and 3 younger sisters. My mom leaves to work everyday at 3 am and carpools with 2 of my uncles. The night this happened my mom and uncles recently left to work. I woke up like at 3:30 because I hear my cat meowing extremely loud. I get up to the hallway to see what's going on and find a man leaving my mothers room. We crash into each other in the hallway I ask him "what r u doing" (mind you I was half asleep and thought it was my uncle) the man does not respond, he just lift his arms up to try to scare me however he notices that I don't respond and runs downstairs and out the door. At that point I am really confused no sure what just happened so I call my mom and tell her that my uncle was here she saids that no one has been at the house I explain to her what I saw I later come to realize that this man had his face fully covered was wearing a hat and really baggy clothes he was also really short. He also did not steal anything which was very odd.We then file a police report and move on with our lives.

Fast forward to May 6 2020 around 3:15 am

My mom is sleeping downstairs and she also does not have to work. I forgot to mention that we Installed cameras after the first incident. Anyhow my mom is sleeping and hears someone outside in the backyard she gets up to turn on the kitchen lights while she is doing that she hears someone struggling with the doorknob my mom goes to the window and by the time she gets to a window this man enters our house! Same man ,short ,baggy clothes, face covered and hat. My mom is yelling cursing obviously scared because she is caught of guard and has nothing to protect herself this man just stares at my mom for I'd say 10 seconds and runs off and jumps the fence. My mom quickly runs to look at our camera footage. She then notices that our cameras have not been recording all day !! (FYI our cameras are ALWAYS ON) . We file a police report and again nothing is really resolved.

At this point I'm scared to be in my house I don't know what this man wants. He has never hurt us or stole anything from us what are yall thought please let me know. Also sorry if this story is all over the place ..