Is it just me ???

So me and my boyfriend have been going at it all day now mind you I’m 7 months pregnant 🤦🏾‍♀️

So I lost my keys and he found them and when he did he took the spare key to his car off of my keys 🔑

And so I’m looking for the key and then finally I’m like okay let me ask him

So I’m like did you take the spare key and his like yes and I’m like why tf would u take the spare key

So now I’m pissed off because he has mentioned the key before and idk what’s the big deal with me having the spare key when I have my own car I don’t even drive his car and on top of that he wouldn’t even have that car if it wasn’t for me because I had to co sign for the damn car I’m so over I’m like he always finds a way to piss me off weather it’s small or big and I know it’s not my hormones because it’s like this even when I’m not pregnant