The Story Of My Babygirl🥰 (traumatic delivery for me)


My Labor & Delivery Story Of My Daughter Brooklyn! ❤️

My Due date was May 12th 2020.

I started getting mild contractions that day nothing dramatic I had a dr appointment that same day everything was good including my BP

(blood pressure) I was also dilated at a 2 and a half so I went about my day and trying to get baby out walking,mopping etc around 11:30PM the contractions started getting a little more stronger so I started to count them and they was coming every 5 mins lasting around a 1min at around 12:40am the contractions lasted 20-40 seconds again they still wasn’t strong enough for me to up and go to the hospital 12:47 they completely stopped for 43 mins started then stopped again for 36 mins at 2:30 that’s when they started to get strong and I had to stop what I was doing to breathe through my contractions and wait for it to stop this lasted til 5am when I decided it was time to go to the hospital me and my get our bags in the car and we go I get to the hospital they start to monitor me and baby check to see how dilated I was and I was at a 3! and my blood pressure was high 150 and the low was around 130-140 so they decided to do blood work and check if there was any protein in my urine if it was I was going to be getting admitted I waited about a hour hoping and praying I get admitted and not go home thankfully I did the nurse came back and told me ( your having a baby today!) happiest moment of my life! Although she told me that I half to be induced because my pressure was to high there was protein in my urine and my kidneys was working to hard so my body was just done being pregnant and couldn’t handle it anymore so they get me a room at labor and deliver I get induced at 10:30am I don’t remember the medicine they gave me but it was through a IV at 11-12pm my contractions are pretty strong but tolerable I decided to get some rest at 4-5pm I was in a lot of pain so I asked for meds to avoid getting the epidural too early they give me fentanyl that made me feel drunk and took the pain away a tiny bit and I just fell asleep again I was having a hard time sleeping because of the pain and constantly having to go pee literally every 5 mins then they gave me other medication through a iv which helped a little more then the fentanyl I fell asleep again contractions are really strong I’m moaning and groaning through it all they decide to break my water a few hours later and let me tell you that was the most weirdest feeling ever because it just doesn’t stop! that’s when the contractions were unbearable and I decided to get the epidural before they gave it to me they checked to see how dilated I was at a 5 the epidural did not hurt at all I didn’t even feel it and it only took literally 10 seconds maybe less I started to feel great I wasn’t in any pain I was numb that catheter though was uncomfortable! I had the epidural button they give you around 10PM I started to feel some pain again and it was probably the worse pain of my life I was throwing up as well around 3-4 times the nurse was switching my positions to make baby come down faster and gave me a peanut ball to put under my legs to help with it as well okay great so just in labor and in a lot of pain trying to sleep it off I finally fall asleep I wake up to a lot of nurses and 1 doctor around me very nervous and scared there flipping me and switching positions ripping everything off of me all the IV’s the dr checked me to see if he can feel the baby’s head or something I don’t remember because I was woken up to them doing all of this turns out my baby’s heart rate was dropping and they half to rush me to the OR to get a emergency c-section I have no idea where my husband is (they threw him out of the room bc he was in the way) I didn’t even see him while going to the OR they did not allow him in the OR as well I didn’t have time to get the spinal tap so they had to put me to sleep and I missed my baby’s first mins and hours of life I did not see her until 4AM because of this I was really heartbroken about my delivery because I wasn’t there and I didn’t get to do skin to skin so I felt like the baby didn’t connect to me or know me thank god I am feeling better and I feel she does know who her mother is

she was born at 11:58PM 05/13/2020

7 pounds 6 ounces 18 inches long ❤️ and the best thing that has ever happened to me

The first pic I took of her is below

This is her a few weeks after