The Birth of my First Baby And Princess Aritzy

Isamar • Mommy to 👧🏽🧒🏽🤰

Thursday Night I started leaking water. Had light contractions at around 9:30 Pm as I am

A first time mom I called the nurse line and they told me to go in. I thought I Would Come back home but when I got to the hospital I got my cervical exam and another to check

If my bag of water was broken . They didn’t tell me anything they just said where

Covid test and they came with a bed that would transfer me to labor and delivery. I went up and they told I was 2 cm & water had broken af around 12 am they started pictocin at 3 to make my contractions stronger my labor was stalled until 5 pm and got amoxicillin since my water was Brocken for more that 18 hours & got the epidural at 6 am.after 5 pm the pressure started to get stronger and got another medicine because I could not handle it anymore at 8pm I got checked again and I was 4 cm cervix completely effaced then I still felt the pressure even worse at 10:30 pm i got a fever turned out i got an infection and caused the fever I was feeling contractions and needed to get another epidural I got it and the pressure was surreal like a huge cramp in my butt that wouldn’t go away . At 1:00 am they came to check me as they told me if I wouldn’t progress by 3 am after 24 hours on pitocin I would get a c section but at 1:00 I was fully dilated and ready to push I pushed for about 15 minutes before our beautiful Aritzy Viviana came into the world with 5lbs 18oz and 18.5 in born at 37 weeks and 1 day Im completely in love with her 😍