8 month sleep help


My baby girl is 8 months old and I would consider her a good sleeper, but she has never been routine with naps and she has always woken up once or twice in the middle of the night. Before her 4 month sleep regression she would sleep through the night but since then she always wakes up around midnight and then again at 3/4. I’ve seen so many things say to sleep train your baby but I just don’t get it! If she wakes up in the middle of the night she won’t stop crying until I give her a bottle. (She is a formula baby, my milk never came in) I try rubbing her back and then letting her cry a little more and all the tips they say but she needs atleast 1 night feed and that hasn’t changed. Do any other mommas have an 8 month old or older that doesn’t sleep through the night? Sometimes I think I’m doing something wrong but every baby is different. 🤷🏼‍♀️