I can’t believe it 🥺


My fiancé and I have been trying for quite some time now. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15 and was told it would be very hard for me to get pregnant. One doctor even used the words “nearly impossible”. That I would struggle and need medication but that I could definitely try on my own and see what happens. Well. It actually fucking happened. I’m still in awe. I couldn’t believe it. I really finally after almost two years had a positive test.

I’ve been tracking my period for many months now with Glow and after trying in April and nothing happening when I for sure thought it worked that time I kinda just gave up. Told my fiancé that I felt as if I would never be blessed with a little baby I so desperately wanted. I kinda pushed the thought of baby and tracking my period and ovulation to the side and decided I wasn’t gonna stress about it for now and we’d try again in a few months. I hadn’t checked Glow in a few weeks and I felt that I should be getting my period soon (my cycle had gotten really regular since Oct ‘19) I went and checked my app and I was three days late. I was like huh okay let’s take a test, and like so many many tests have been before, it was negative. I got upset all over again. I always take negative tests really hard and idk why but I do. I decided to wait a few days see if I get it and if I don’t by the time I’m a week late I’ll take another test.

Crossing my fingers and toes that I don’t get my period, it doesn’t come. I hit a week late and I asked my mother in law to buy me some tests. She bought a box of three first response tests and I took them home. I really didn’t think anything about it. I just figured you know I’m just late maybe I’m stressed or idk. I got home and put my bags down with the pregnancy test box in it and after I walked by it a couple times I was like “eh what’s one test gonna hurt, it’s gonna be negative anyway” is what I told myself as I’m tearing the plastic off the box and tearing the little package with the test in it open. I pull out one test. Because, well that’s all I was going to take. I do my thing and lay it flat on the side of my bathtub next to me. I glanced at it and thought to myself “is that a line? No, it couldn’t be” and looked away. About 30-45 seconds go by and I turn and look at it again, AND THERES A SECOND PINK LINE! I literally could not believe my eyes. I felt as if I was in a dream. I started shaking and panicking and took the other two and they both came back positive. Still not believing this and after telling my fiancé I took three more tests the next morning and all three were positive.

Two days later (this morning) I took another three. I had some left over because my friend thought she was pregnant and I bought her some. And all three of those are positive. I still don’t believe it. I can’t even wrap my head around it.

I’m still really early on, only 5 weeks & 4 days. But I’m hoping and praying this little miracle baby sticks. ❤️🥺

Due date : 02/03/2021 🧸