We’re pregnant!

We found out we are pregnant and are waiting until we have had our 6 weeks scan to tell parents!

(EST. Around 5 weeks pregnant as I write this)

H2b’s parents are going to be over to moon! But, I know my parents are going to call us silly and shame us for getting pregnant so young! (22 & 27) They think we should wait 10-15 years before even trying!)

I have had to lie to my parents about coming off of contraception and actively trying & now I have to face my parents and explain that we are actually pregnant.

(One month ttc so it happened a lot quicker than expected!)

Knowing my parents are going to act horribly makes the whole thing a not very nice experience.

Anyone have any ideas on how to tell disapproving parents?

** H2B is of the opinion that if they don’t like it then they don’t have to be involved. We are financially stable, house hunting and happy.