FBI warnings white supremacists in law enforcement


This article is from 2016, and it stated that 10 years ago (so 14 years ago for us reading today) the FBI warmed that white supremacist groups had infiltrated law enforcement, and nothing was really done about it. Here are a few screenshots:

I also read an interview from an ex neo nazi leader (Christian Picciolini) who said these groups decided to join law enforcement, the military, become prison guards, run for various government positions to legitimize and advance their movement. He now gives talks to government agencies on things to watch for, groups to know of, and deprograms radical white supremacists and helps rehabilitate them from hate. But he said the federal government stopped inviting him and said his work was unnecessary. Why do you think the governments (including local) haven’t fixed the problem of white supremacist groups organizing and joining official agencies? Do they not take the threat seriously, and think the FBI’s warnings for over a decade aren’t a problem, or are these types of groups legally allowed to be members of government positions so nothing can be done about it? (I know this isn’t just a problem in America)