Fly or not to Fly in Aug


My husband, 3yo, 7mo, and myself live in CA and our families live in IL and TX. It's been really hard for or parents not being able to see their grandbabies during this pandemic. My mom has postponed her trip out here 3 times. We're still sheltering at home and healthy in our little bubble. We're in two weddings in August, one in IL and one in TX. We're trying to figure out how in the heck to get ourselves there safely or if we should just cancel both trips. We need some help weighing this decision from some uninvolved parties.

If we flew, we'd fly Southwest. From what I've gathered they're doing more cleaning and asking passengers to wear masks but I don't see anything about restricting flight capacity. Flying with a 7mo and 4yo during a pandemic seems like a non-starter to me but idk. Have y'all done it? When do you think you'll fly with your kiddos again? I get so sad not knowing when we'll see our family again😢

If we drove, it'd be a ridiculous journey. 3 days driving to IL, 9hrs to Dallas, and 3 days back with two little ones. No thank you. If we were kid free, it'd sound kinda romantic driving all that but not with two unhappy kiddos!

Gah, we love California but all of this has us really considering moving to Dallas to be within driving distance of family.

What do you all think? Have you traveled with your kids yet? When are you going to fly? How are you all doing?