Please be honest, are you afraid of Police?


I am not black or white. First I was a young Mexican American kid growing up in a white dominated city with extremely high crime rate.

Then I became a Muslim in my 20’s.

As a kid although no one in my family ever had any run-ins with police I was scared of law enforcement. Even though I was taught in school that officers where friendly. When ever I saw an officer of the law, I always felt a level of intimidation and no friendliness whatsoever.

As a young adult and a Muslim convert I had a few run-ins with Police. Some speeding tickets, and the last one when I called 911 on a older white male that was stalking me and my kids at the apartment complex pool in a good neighborhood we lived in. I had endured a summer of harassment by this racist man, while heavily pregnant and 3 kids under 3. The cop who showed up was racist. And to my amusement he was Hispanic.

I wanted so badly to tell him in spanish what a racist, rude human being he was and he should be ashamed.

You know what stoped me? FEAR of being arrested or worse him hurting my unborn baby. And I am not exaggerating, he made it very clear that my voice would not be heard by him. He intimidated me into staying quiet even though it was me that called the complaint. He actually let my harasser talk and didn’t let me give my complain. I wanted the officer to tell him to stay away from me and my kids. I wanted him to tell him that harassment is against the law. He instead told me that I was too loud. I was crying out of frustration! Too loud?! What a prick! I thought. So No, I don’t feel safe with cops. Knowing that in any given situation or attitude of any given cop I always feel like my rights are automatically removed in their presence.

Contrary to this cop and every other one I ever encountered. I was once flashed by a cruiser to pull over. I was in my early 20’s I made the could be tragic mistake to NOT pull over and I actually drove a little faster. My heart was pounding my son in the back in his car seat.

I had unpaid speeding tickets and until recently I could not understand my reckless reaction. I drove about a minute at speed limit and in my mind I was clearly trying to avoid the cop. Too scared to stop but I knew I had to. I took a right and finally STOPPED.

I was expecting violence from the cop for my mistake. He calmly asked me for my information and didn’t even ask me why it took me so long to stop or even why I was trying to evade the police. I was wearing a headscarf and this cop was older and WHITE. But he actually asked me if I was feeling ok because he could see how scared I was. He took me to the police station and actually let me sit in his office. He was not cracking jokes or in any way pleasant. He maintained his serious look the entire time while being extremely kind to me.

I learned that day not all officers are bad.

We need to weed out the rotten Police. Give more money to programs that help minorities with programs to reduce crime and poverty. And more funds for better education for underprivileged families.

The corrupt Police system need the drug dealers and crime because this is their way of making a lot of extra money.

The change is not easy and it can’t come with out UNITY ❤️

My beautiful Mexico and Mexican brothers and sisters are being ravaged by CORUPT law enforcement and ruthless cartels. My thoughts and prayers are with all those that have died because of this horrible problem that exists around the world. ❤️