Mother driving me crazy over circumcision


I’m 37 weeks and randomly my mom decides to ask me if we’re circumcising our son. I told her no I just dont feel right cutting up my sons Penis and it’s all about teaching him proper hygiene and cleaning

And she was like oh I’m shocked I can’t believe you of all people arnt gonna circumcise him when your all about doing what’s healthiest for your baby with this covid thing 🙄

She then proceeds to say well it’s your kid but.... I hope it doesn’t create issues for him later on and he doesn’t get infections and I hope he’s not teased in school.

I said mom now a days half the boys arnt and are there is no popular preference anymore.

She continued to go on and on about when she worked in emergency room she got a lot of patients in for infections who weren’t circumcised.

She then said it’s a Mexican thing Mexicans don’t circumcise (my husband is Mexican) I said nope Luis left the decision completely up to me ciz he knew I’d do the research and he trusted me with which ever I choose.

She’s pretty much trying to guilt trip me into changing my decision

Ughhhh like really baby will be here any day (he’s been measuring almost 2 weeks ahead) and now you decide to bring this all up.

How are you guys dealing with opposing opinions?