

I had my first son and he was born not breathing. I had a tear. The vacuum was used to assist in his delivery.

I had my second son and he was born not breathing with shoulder dystocia and had bleeding on his skull due to the vacuum coming off and being reapplied a few times. I had a large episiotomy. I couldn’t hold him or nurse him for 12hours.

Now I’m due to have another baby. My due date is currently August 4.

The delivering doctor last time apologized to me and stated my second son should’ve been delivered via csection and I shouldn’t have any more vaginal deliveries. Even for a 5/6lb baby.

The OB I have this time disagrees and wants me to deliver this baby vaginally.

Yes I did deliver two large babies. I would not say successfully. As it was scary and now I’m scared that to keep csection rates down my third sons life and health is being risked.

I know there are risks with csections.

I have a toddler so yes I’d rather not have an incision to heal but I had one last time with my vaginal delivery anyways.

I don’t know what to do.

My family doctor says I’m right for requesting a csection and sent a note to my OB. Tomorrow I see my OB.

He keeps saying what the other two OBs told me before my sons were born “don’t worry your baby is only going to be 7lbs everything will be fine”.

The fact is there was a doctor who delivered a baby from my birth canal and said I shouldn’t be delivering vaginally. This was 15months a go. Why is this being ignored? Why am I being told to have another vaginal birth and risk the baby’s life?