Boyfriend not handling my pregnancy well


My boyfriend isn't handling my pregnancy well. Its like he doesnt want to wrap his head around the fact that we will have two kids. Im super happy and of course scared and afraid that we will have two kids under two. Everytine i talk about how crazy it is that we will have another in less than 2 months, he changes the subject. Or I will show him videos of our first baby when she was first born and he will refuse to look and say that it stresses him out. We will also be moving soon, just waiting on apartment approval (currently roommates with his brother) and I go over what we need for the kids room and he will cut me off and say "I cant worry about that right now." He just does not seem happy about it and it makes me sad. I undersrand he's stressex, but reality is we will have two kids to look after and he cant put that on the back burner. He said I am not stressed or worried about anything and i told him that just because i dont speak about my worries or stress that it isnt there. I also told him i cant just be stressed all the time because i have a toddler to be there for and help mentally prepare her for her sibling. Its just annoying that he cant face what we need to face. We have a bunch of stuff to do like packing our hospital bags, cleaning the house, applying to more apartments, packing our belongings, preparing for our new place and i dont have time to mopr around about how hard it is to have two kids. We did it, we made it happen, and its our responsibility.