Who's wrong

For the past week my sister has been staying at home 5 or so hours while her boyfriend is at work. Just a bit ago she went to go make good for herself and her boyfriend when she heads home. I was in there already and we have a small kitchen . The counters are messy and the sink is full of dishes and I ask her "aren't you going to clean up a bit before you cook?"

She tells me "no, I don't live here and this isn't my mess". I got a bit annoyed (could've just been pms idk). I don't mind cleaning the kitchen, but when she's over here and she cooks, 90% of the time she doesn't clean up her mess, she just adds to it.

My dad is out of a job for a couple more weeks and I don't have a job currently so I'm at home a lot so me and my dad wash dishes pretty much every day for the past few weeks since my mom has gone back to working 40 hours a week. She meal preps for the day every morning and didn't have time to clean up before she left for work.

Everyone in this house takes turns with dishes. I don't care if you live him full time or only for 5 hours every day. If you make a mess, you clean it, and if their is a mess before you start cooking, you tidy up. It's only the polite thing to do

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