There is too much going on trigger ⚠️


I’m dealing with way too much shit rn and I can’t keep helping my friend with her same old shit.

I’m always the one my friends go to for stuff like this and it can be mentally exhausting but I honestly don’t give a shit ab that normally. I’d rather help them out as much as I can.

But right now is just not the fucking time.

I understand everyone has shit they need help with but she knows what I’m going through. She’s been through almost the same thing (and I helped her back then with it) and here I am now and she just isn’t ... she’s giving me more of a tough love but bitch how tf are you gonna give me tough love when I was fucking raped you ass. And she’s legit just over here crying again over her boyfriend just because he’s going to work in another state for only 3 fucking weeks. And he’s visiting each weekend. And they’re able to ft. Like get your shit together , know that he loves you and he’s going to be back soon. And start living your own life. Your world should not revolve around your gf/bf/ partner. That’s not healthy. I said what I said.

K I’m done