Should I wait and work on my health or continue to try for 2nd baby

Sara • Happily Married 11-28-15👩‍❤️‍👨 Mommy to Leah Marie 5/9/19👧🏽 Trying for baby #2🤰🏽

I went to the doctor today because of my periods are messed up and I told my doctor that we are kinda trying for another baby well we ain’t using condoms, and my doctor asks me if I want a another baby or if not she was going to put me on birth control and I have never been on birth control, I told her it took 3 years to get pregnant with my daughter and she is 13 months now and I like to have another baby and she said she’ll set me up with a doctor to get tested and that I need to work on my weight and after the appointment I was the only could go in so I told my husband once I got out of the doctor what I decided and he said I should of got on birth control because right now we are living with my parents and I asked my mom if I’m making a wrong decision and she said yeah. So idk what to do I want another baby plus I have to work on my weight, I don’t know if I should wait and focus on my health or go head with the appointment.