What bbt will I put on this???

Ok so I took my bbt this morning at 4:30am after a disturbed 4 hour sleep. I never got back to sleep until 6am and woke again at 8:30am and took my bbt again..

I got 2 different results

4:30am- 36.30

8:30am- 36.60

4:30 is a little early for me to be taking it as I usually take it around 6am. The thing is, if I note down my 36.30 one it says I’ve not ovulated yet, but if I put in the 36.60 one it says I’m 3dpo? ive got sore boobs and I had brown spotting a few days ago which makes me think I may have ovulated. Plus my opk’s are getting lighter. I’m confused help me out x

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