Mother in law 🙄

Abi • 22- Mommy to baby Hugo 06.03.19👶🏻💙

Please can I get peoples advice. Me and my partner had a massive falling out with my mother in law (his mum) about 2 months ago now. It’s a long story but basically she started it out of completely no where when we lived there for abit before finding somewhere else to rent and she just completely blew up and was shouting and swearing infront of my little boy which made him cry so completely pissed me off.

We didn’t speak to her for ages until a week ago when I thought I would give in and message her to see if she wanted to see her grandson as I thought it isn’t right to cut him off from seeing his nan and uncles (partners brothers). Anyway I am currently 8 weeks pregnant with my second and she found out I’m having a scan this Sunday and asked if she could watch him at hers so the kids could see him aswell And that she has missed him which I reluctantly agreed to as I was put on the spot but now I am so regretting it and don’t feel comfortable her watching him or him in that house after what happened that night.

My partner hasn’t even made up with her but he is now having a go at me saying he needs a relationship with his nan and uncles but surely I’m not wrong here I’m not wanting someone to watch him who was aggressive and shouting and swearing infront of a one year old?

I don’t really want him having anything to do with her if I’m honest. Plus she said outright she wouldn’t of got in contact with us if it wasn’t for me so she clearly wasn’t bothered about seeing her grandson anyway.