Sleepless nights


Currently 16w2d and I cannot seem to sleep at night and I think it’s becoming a huge problem it’s 10am and I’ve been up since 7pm last night and I’ll probably be sleeping within the next 20 minutes and I will end up sleeping until like 6-7pm again and this is a constant routine and when I do get up I really don’t have an appetite which is awful I obviously get something in me for the sake of my baby but I don’t know what to do I try doing things to calm myself or make myself “tired” but nothing has worked and I feel so much worse I don’t get anything I need to get done during the day and when I’m up at night I will just clean for a couple hours and then I always end up on my phone watching videos for hours and when I do sleep I get awful nightmares ones that I don’t even understand they can come from Disney movies to losing people I just don’t know what to do it sounds crazy but there has got to be some mommas who understand and I would love recommendations to help get into a better routine