Kind of annoyed at partner.

And I know that really it's not his fault. But he's being an ass about it.

Bit of background - were in a 2 bed house, so our kids have to share a room.

Usually bedtime goes like this: Do bedtime routine for both. Get oldest (4) to bed. Youngest (15 months) goes downstairs plays a little while on his own, goes in highchair, falls asleep. Youngest only goes into their shared room when they're both asleep.

Tonight, we did the usual routine. Usually our oldest falls asleep first, since he's actually in bed. Tonight our youngest fell asleep first. So instead of waiting for our oldest to fall asleep, my partner thought that putting our youngest in their shared room would be a good idea... Thought that telling our oldest to leave him alone would work... So of course, our 4 year old tries moving his baby brother so they could cuddle... Which woke him up... So they started playing. So we went up to settle them back down, didn't work, took the youngest back out of their room, had to deal with a meltdown from our oldest. Got our oldest back to sleep after about 40-45 minutes. Our youngest on the other hand... Has been screaming for the last 3 hours, while we desperately try every trick in the book to help him back to sleep.

And how is their Dad being an ass about it? Well he's now in a foul mood, because he wanted to spend the evening watching a film or whatever, and instead we've had to try to settle our youngest. Because he's in a foul mood, he's being a little rougher than he usually would be (not rough enough to hurt him, or I'd tell him to f*** off), which is making our youngest scream more. Which is making Daddy raise his voice. Which is making our youngest cry more... I think you can see the loop we're stuck in here. I told him that he either needs to reel himself in, or let me handle it. So he got annoyed with me because he wants me to get some proper sleep...

I get that it's a stressful time, where we live the lockdown is still in place. He's been working since he was 16, and now he's been out of work for 3 months. It's taking a toll on all of us. I have told him several times that if he's getting overwhelmed he can go out to get a break. I was a SAHM before this, and although it's different to what I'm used to, I have a little more experience with being stuck in the house with the kids. I appreciate his help, but not when he's like this. It's not doing anyone any favours.