The struggle is real, I hope I’m not alone...


For real I’m having a hard time not hitting my husband in the face at night. Before I say why. I have a strict night routine for a reason. Our daughter has always been a great sleeper and it is probably why. Our oldest is 21 months and youngest is 3 weeks. And right now our oldest is getting her 2yr old molars and is having trouble sleeping. So that being said, I am breastfeeding so I have to stay up with newborn because I’m feeding her and trying to get her to bed. Well last night she would not go to sleep, so I’m just up with her. Sitting in bed breastfeeding while my husband is sleeping and I’m falling asleep. Not mad that he is sleeping at this point more jealous. Baby finally goes to sleep around midnight, then wakes back up at 4. I’m feeding her again and my toddler wakes up at 4:30, so I wake him up to go put her back to bed. We do not allow her to come to our room until at least after 5:30-6. He brings our toddler into the room, I immediately say no and go out her back but he argues and puts her in our bed. I put baby back in her bassinet and now have to deal with toddler in my bed kicking, pulling hair, etc. Now I’m just pissed that he didn’t listen and he is snoring. I give up, toddler isn’t going back to bed and baby is awake again. Go into the living room and we are awake and he sleeps in until 7:30. Really trying to be nice and start screaming at him. And I know most of it is because I’m beyond exhausted but he is not being helpful at all. Then complains he is tired, just ughhhhhhhhh. Sorry just needed to rant for a minute.