Reduced movements.


Hi girls!

I’m a first time mum, and pregnancy has been nothing but stressful. I’m 26+1 and have had reduced movements for 5 days now!

My little one has been rather consistent (and fiesty!) with her movements since 21 weeks, but lately I’ve barely felt her move and when I have it’s been barely a thing. Thursday I didn’t notice her move much all day but just as I was telling my partner, she gave me a few very powerful kicks and I felt reassured. Friday, same thing happened again so I was sent up to maternity at 6pm. My hospitals monitors can’t be used before 28 weeks so they listened in to baby and told me her heartbeat was strong but to come back If she didn’t start wriggling. Saturday was okay, she was still quiet but moving more than Friday but again today I’ve felt her move ONCE. I went up maternity earlier today around 12 where once again I was told all they could do was listen in, but I’ve still not felt her move and it’s now nearly 9pm. It’s really unsettling and I hate constantly ringing up - I feel like a nuisance!

Ps - We get told to monitor movements from 24 weeks, im also high risk.