Breastfeeding question

My little one is 6 weeks old and she constantly wants to breastfeed. I am aware of cluster feeding and growth spurts but I do not think this is it. It’s almost as if she uses my boob as her personal pacifier. When she is not asleep all she wants to do is be on my boobs. I know that she isn’t eating that much for her to want it as much as she does because sometimes I’ll feed her a bottle and she will still cry till she gets my boob & then she is calm! and I can feel that she is just suckling and not eating most of the time. Idk what to do because it’s an all day thing and I can barely even put her down for long. I listened to my doctor and let her have it as much as she wants but I feel like she wants it a little to much. Help!!! I’ve tried pacifiers as well she doesn’t like any that I’ve tried. This has been going on for awhile now!